Thursday, July 21, 2011

Wow... it's been a while

I knew it had been some time since I have written a new post, but I didn't realize it had been that long!  Geesh! 

We've been really busy in the Wise household over my month long hiatus.  We now have a ONE YEAR OLD!!  Can not believe Hudson is already 1.  My how the past year has flown!!  It's so awesome watching him learn new things daily and explore more and more.  He also learned something that we aren't too excited about, he climbed out of his crib a couple of nights ago!!  Thankfully he didn't injure himself when he made the 4+ foot plunge.  We recently just returned from visiting some dear friends that have moved to Charleston, SC; we had a great time!!

Not much to talk about on the running front.  We did get a running stroller and have put it to good use and have started a new family event!  We really enjoy walking/running in the evenings... it gives us time to be together, exercise, talk and just enjoy everything that God has blessed us with!  I hope to soon start on my half-marathon training.

Happy Miles!!

Friday, June 3, 2011

What to eat... what to eat...

I enjoy getting up earlier in the morning and setting off for a good run, but I never allow myself enough time to eat anything prior.  I've heard some people say to eat a bagel, peanut butter and even sunflower seed kernals; but I usually end up not eating anything, which I know is a bad thing.

The other end of the spectrum, when I finish a run I don't usually want something to eat for a while.  Give me a bottle of water (and a fan set to the highest speed) and I'm good to go for a while. 

What do you eat before a run?  What do you eat after a run?

Sunday, May 29, 2011

What's on your playlist?

While on my last run, I started thinking about some of the songs that I had on my playlist.  I found a good bit of my music on a website called, which finds music that has the beat to coordinate with your pace.

Now on to the song/group that I had a problem with.  I am not a Black Eyed Peas (the music group) fan, but they have good up-beat songs.  The lyrics to this particular song did not have any vulgar lyrics, but they were just dumb.  I have since deleted the song and I'm currently purging other songs with the same problem. 

So I have 3 questions that I would like for some people to respond to (if anyone reads this)...
1. What are some of your favorite songs/groups to run/exercise to? 
2. What do you look for when picking a particular song for such a playlist? 
3. How often do you change your playlist around?

Saturday's run...

Saturday, I tried a different route and actually ran AROUND a lot of East Columbus.  I started out running down Gardner Blvd and on to Hwy 182 before cutting back into a familiar neighborhood near Lehmberg Road and continued on one of my usual routes. 

I had to stop around 3.25 because of tight quads.  After a 60-second stretch, I started back up.  My time dipped into the 10's, but I was ok with it.  I was just glad to be able to make it back home without doing any damage. 

Will more than likely run this route again soon.  Happy miles...

Friday, May 27, 2011

Memorial Day weekend...

I am so ready for the weekend.  The weather the past couple of days has been AMAZING! I would really like to put in a 6-10 miles this weekend, but the in-laws are coming in town and that means one thing, CLEANING THE HOUSE!  Maybe I'll be able to squeeze some in tonight and wake up tomorrow morning before the bride and kiddo wake up.

Do you have anything planned for this weekend?  Any runs planned?

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Decisions, decisions, decisions...

I am struggling... and need some help.  I have 4 races lined up that I want to run.  I just can't figure out if I want to run the Half or the Full on each.  They races are:

Run For Life - October 15
St. Jude - December 3
MS Blues - January 7
Mardi Gras Rock n' Roll - March 4

I know I want to run the Half Marathon in October (Run For Life), but the other races I have not decided... I am worried about having enough time off to recuperate before training for the next.  I may end up doing the half on all but one.  Any suggestions?  If I choose to do one full, which should it be? 

Anyone interested in running any of the races with me?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

It's been a while...

Wow... I have taken a break... from both blogging and, more importantly, running.  We went out of town this past weekend and I didn't make myself get out and run, completely my fault.

Tonight, we went over to my parent's house and I ran on their treadmill.  WOW, I have not missed that thing!  I started out running on the treadmill solely, but ever-since January, I have been a "Road Runner".  I see why some people name treadmills "Dreadmills", ha.  I missed almost everything about road running while putting in mileage, especially the BREEZE!

Hope you have found the will-power to get outside and get active, whether that is running, walking or just push-mowing your grass!

Friday, May 6, 2011

"I don't have time..."

How often have you used this excuse to skip a workout or a run?  I admit I have used it plenty of times... Everyone has some time to fit in some type of exercise, even if it's 10 minutes.  We make time to watch our favorite TV shows, we make time for that extra plate of food (that none of us truly need), and we make time for countless other things that could be used for something active.  Last night, I had 20 minutes that I was able to squeeze in a 2+ mile run in.  If you can't go in the evenings, wake up 30 minutes earlier and go.  Or take a change of clothes to work and do it during your lunch break.  The opportunity is there, the question is "Are you going to take advantage of it?"

"Running is a big question mark that's there each and every day. It asks you, 'Are you going to be a wimp or are you going to be strong today?'"
- Peter Maher, Canadian marathon runner

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Today's "DailyMission"

I use a website called DailyMile to track my runs and progress.  Everyday they have a "Daily Mission" that allows the DM community to answer and get to know other DM'ers a little better.  Today's #DailyMission asked "What motivated you to start running/cycling/exercising?"

A few years ago my brother began running, which peaked my interest in doing the same.  Not long after I began "running" (it was more of a slow jog until I was gasping for air, which led to several minutes of walking, followed by another 30-45 seconds of jogging, and the circle continued), my laziness kicked in and took over.  I stopped my attempt of running and restarted my old habits of doing nothing and enjoying whatever foods I came around.  My brother on the other-hand, stopped a long-time smoking addiction and became addicted to a healthier alternative, RUNNING (the kind where you start and don't stop until you get completely finished).  He continued his progress, completed numerous 5k's and ended up running a marathon.

In October 2010, I decided to take control of my laziness (and fat belly) and chose to start eating better and set out to become a runner.  It didn't take long before I was able to run for short distances without the fear of dying.  I set achievable goals and before I knew it I was able to run 1/4 of a mile without too much problem.  Then it was 1/2 a mile.  Then I ran a full MILE without stopping.  Excitement does not begin to describe my feelings.  After I hit the 1 mile mark, it became a little easier for me to run further (1.5, 2, 2.5 miles) with short walking breaks in between.

In March 2011, I ran the St. Patrick's 5k at Lake Lowndes.  I finished the race 1st in my age group and #27 (or so) overall.  I got my first racing medal!!  And as I wrote in a previous post, I completed my first 10k last weekend and finished #2 in my age group.  Today I can run 7+ miles without stopping and it's all from determination.  I have also lost more than 50 lbs and feel better than I have in a LOONG time!

My brother is still my inspiration for running, because let's face it, he's a beast.  He (and a short summary of his story) even made the Dick's Sporting Goods magazine!!  One day, I hope to be as quick as he is, but for now, I'm enjoying the road there.  Happy running!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My Marathon Bucket List

Since I have been running, I have been setting different goals for myself.  As I meet and exceed each goal, it gives me a certain amount of pride and happiness.  Most goals are not easily achievable, which makes the feeling that much better after it is met!  I have a list of marathons that I want to complete one day, and it seems as if it just keeps growing! Ha! 

1. Boston Marathon
2. Big Sur Marathon
3. St. Jude Marathon
4. Mardi Gras Rock n' Roll Marathon
4. NYC Marathon
5. Walt Disney Marathon
6. Marine Corp Marathon
7. Chicago Marathon
8. MS Blues Marathon

What are yours?

Renaissance 10k

This past weekend, I was able to run my first 10k.  Since the race was at 6am, I woke up at 4:15 in order to get ready and drive 30 minutes to the site.  Waking up at this time, on purpose, was not too exciting for Rebecca (since we have a 9 month old), but thankfully she was more than willing to do so.  Once we got to the race location, I was able to meet up with Richard and Tim (who were both running the 10k with me).  We also met up with our friend, Mindie, and her family.  Mindie was running the Half-Marathon!!

At 6am sharp, the Half-Marathoners were headed off, in the dark, for their run.  It was time for the 10k participants to get in thier projected pace areas.  Tim and I got in the 8:00-10:00 min/mile section and felt a little out of place, not that we didn't know our paces, but we were among the only ones in the group.  The 10k had around 450 runners and there were probably 25 of us in the two sections that made up the >10min/mile.  I told Tim that I wanted to run my first 2 miles in the 8's and allow the rest of the miles to be in the low to mid 9's.  He told me that he was going to try another method that had him starting off at a slower than average pace and as the race went on, he was going to speed up.

Nerves shot through me, but were quickly stomped on when the beginning alarm sounded.  I promptly got behind 2 people running at my pace.  The course had more hills that I was imagining, but I was able to fight through them without much problem.  As I was running toward the first water-station (@ mile 2), I was able to see my brother (who was volunteering at the water-station on the other side of the road, mile 4) and he started clapping and yelling for me.  It's one thing to have strangers yelling and clapping for a group of people around you, but it's a completely different thing when someone you know is doing this while saying your name.  It gave me a little burst of energy and I was able to pass my pacers (@ mile 2.5).  After going down and making the turn, I could see my brother's water-station coming up.  I purposely bypassed the others holding out watered-down gatorade and went for my brother's cup.  It was just something special about that moment that I will probably always cherish.  I continued on the course as one of the pacers ran along side of me.  We ran together for the remainder 2 miles of the race.  I've never ran with a pacer before, but I think it helped me out dramatically.  1/4 mile from the finish line we had to run up a side road (hill) and a man was pushing to pass us.  I kept thinking to myself that I fought too hard to have this guy pass me in the last 1/4 mile, so I pushed as well and I was able to hold him off.  As I made the last turn toward the finish line, my eyes cut directly to my wife and son, cheering me on.  I did it! I ran a 10k!!  I wouldn't have imagined a year ago that I would be able to run a 10k, and not stop, but I did it!  As I crossed the finish line, there were people placing the medals around our necks.  So cool!  The medals are by far the coolest medals I have ever seen.

Tim had the best time out of our group from Columbus with 55:04 (8:53 min/mile pace).  I finished with a 56:42 (9:09 min/mile pace).  I was also surprised to see that I came in 2nd for my Age Group and #25 male overall, SWEET!!  I got a gift certificate to Stinky Feet (athletic store) for my 2nd Place finish.  Richard finished with 1:14:07 (11:58 min/mile pace).  So proud of him, he started running in January and he's already completed a 5k (Lake Lowndes) and now a 10k!!  Way to go buddy!!  Mindie finished her Half-Marathon in 2:05:31.  So proud of her as well!!

Loved the race! Loved being able to run the race with other people I knew!  Loved having my brother volunteer!!

First Post

I created this site to help me stay accountable in posting my runs and latest happenings.  I hope to be able to encourage someone else to kick the addictive habit of laziness by getting out on the roads and start the obsession that I call, Running.